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terça-feira, 18 de maio de 2010

Roraima Amazona Riquezas Cobiçadas turismo internacional


Nota: A Europa e E.U. fazem turismo em Roraima inclusive a Venezuela, aonde gozam de livre acesso. Os brasileiros são proibidos de entrar em Roraima sem autorização prévia... Porque Será? lá existe fiscalização constante chefiadas pelas ONGS. estrangeiras que dominam o território roraimense; ninguém faz nada! E as Forças Armadas? Enfim...que mistério se esconde por tráz de tudo isso?

O convite de turismo abaixo foi colhido de site estrangeiro:
An Island lost in time
Roraima Brazil

What most gets your attention in the Gran Sabana is the “Tepui”, great mountain with flan summit and vertical walls. This higher of all is the Roraima, with a height of 2700 meters, where the time stopped thousand of years ago, leaving us it´s legacy to enjoy it.
Here the land is bristled with tepuis. They are outcrops of Guyanese Massif, the oldest rocks on earth. Roraima has to be the only goal. It ist waiting for 300 billions years to amaze us.
Resultado de imagem para An Island lost in time  Roraima Brazil
lindo... força espíritual
We will take you to the summit of a place where the time stopped thousands of years ago. You will feel like going back in the time and being part of the exclusive group of people that have known this rocky formation of characteristics that can´t be find in any place of the planet.
The Roraima settles in the borders of Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil. The spectacular Tepui whose name means in Pemon “The Mother of the Waters” is dramatic, enigmatic and mysterious. Black rocks wrapped in fog and covered with lichen and moss dominate the land, quartz glasses, stone pools and a paradisiacal landscape of anotherworld. The fascinating environment and the relative easiness to climb it transform it into an experience that you could not omit to visit at least once in your life.
Imagem relacionada
água de pedra rosa é a mais pura do mundo
The Roraima inspired Sir Arthur Conen Doyle to write his famous book “The Lost World”.


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